Mia’s poised to have impact on people as a Human Resource Manager

The experience of working at an exceptional company and close relationships with her professors inspired Mia – she knew she wanted to make a difference for employees in the workplace. She decided to major in Human Resource (HR) Management at UW-Green Bay, with a goal  to become an HR manager and create a positive work environment for employees. Listen to her story, below.

Transcript: I know what it feels like to work at a great company and that’s really why I fell in love with HR because I want to look out for like the well-being of employees. My favorite classes at UW-Green Bay are Recruitment and Selection because we get to learn a lot about what I’m interested in and also the HR Capstone where we study for the SHRM exam which will be really helpful to me cuz I’m taking it in the spring. For the certified SHRM exam, it’s just basically a certificate that shows employers that, oh hey, like I know this and they’ll be more likely to hire you so, it’s just like a great opportunity but it is optional. I personally have developed a lot of close relationships with my professors. Dr. Alen Huffcutt does these really fun projects in his class. Like you got to create your own training project and like you got to choose your topic about what you wanted to train the class on so, that was really cool. And now he’s like the advisor for my STARS Research Group. In Compensation and Benefits, we got to create our own benefit booklet at the end of the semester. It was just really cool to see how much work goes into like compensation and benefits. I want to specialize in recruitment and selection when I first get out of college and then I’m going to work my way up to human resource manager because I have the leadership skills to lead a team of like generalists and specialists. I want to create a positive environment where employees feel like they can come to work and they love their job.

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