UW-Green Bay Interim Building Access Policy
Effective at 7:45 a.m. on Friday, March 27, 2020 the University of Wisconsin-Green Bay will limit building access to all campuses locations consistent with the Interim Building Access Policy. The Interim Policy is enacted to comply with Governor Evers #SaferatHome Emergency Order which directs all individuals in the State of Wisconsin to stay at home or at their place of residence, with few exceptions.
Starting on March 25, 2020 all doors to all campus buildings, with the exception of Residence Life building were locked. The Interim Policy will continue the locking of all campuses buildings, with the exception of Residence Life, but permit limited access to employees or student researchers consistent with the Interim Policy. Access at the Green Bay Campus will be permitted as follows:
- Employees who perform a function essential for the care and maintenance of State property or the safety and security of campus personal and students;
- Monday through Friday, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Mary Ann Cofrin Hall Main Entrance Doors for authorized individuals; individuals who have been named by their supervisor as needing to have limited access to a campus for an operational purpose (e.g. picking up mail, accessing equipment which is not available remotely);
- On rare occasions, individuals who require access beyond the “Access Hours” and upon the explicit approval by a Supervisor and notification to University Police;
All other access is prohibited at this time.
It is asked that you cooperate with this process to ensure that we can continue to control the number of people who are accessing campus and comply with the Governor’s Order. Specifically;
- Prior to coming to campus, please confirm with your supervisor that you are an authorized individual. ndividuals who are not on the authorized person list will not be allowed access, and asked to leave and return after the supervisor has authorized access;
- Please park in the Union parking slots. If not slots are available, please park in the Kress Event Center Lots. Do not park or stand your car in the circle in front of MAC Hall;
- Please make sure you bring your Employee/Student ID with you. Upon confirmation of your access, you will be issued a tag to place your ID in. You will be required to display this ID at all times while you are on campus.
- Please limit your time on campus. Certain task may require individuals to be present for an extend period of time, please do not use Access Hours to facilitate any work that could be performed remotely. It is not the intent of the Access Hours to facilitate a more convenient or quite work space, but to facilitate work that cannot be performed remotely. Presence in campus buildings beyond what is absolutely necessary to serve the educational mission of the institution is in violation of the Governor’s Order.
Employees at Marinette, Manitowoc and Sheboygan (other than those performing functions essential for the care and maintenance of State property or the safety and security of campus personal) and students should contact their CEO by email to discuss access to those locations.
Please understand that these restrictions on access, while disruptive, is essential to adherence to the Governor’s Order and serves to mitigate the current COVID-19 Crisis. Your cooperation with these restrictions is appreciated.
If you have further questions, please contact your supervisor or CEO of your campus.