Philosopher’s Cafe: The Road to Utopia scheduled for Oct. 18

Join UW-Green Bay Professor Cliff Ganyard, History & Humanities for the first Philosophers’ Café of the year! Prof. Ganyard will be leading a discussion on “The Road to Utopia” on Tuesday, Oct. 18 at St. Brendan’s Inn (The Waterford Room) from 7 to 8:30 p.m.
Philosophers’ Cafes are free and informal discussion on important and timely topics. Feel free to grab some food and drink and participate in the discussion, or just come for a listen! Here is the abstract for the discussion: Utopia and its antithesis dystopia have been popular elements of western culture and society for the past 200 years, but what actually is utopia? What does it say about the possibility of utopia that dystopian visions have dominated (with few exceptions) for the past century? What does it say about our culture and our society? And why should we pay attention to utopia and dystopia? Utopia, and indeed dystopia, reflect the principle of hope, a vision for our future. The vision we choose, may determine where we go.
We hope to see you there!