First call: Founders Award nominations
It’s time to start submitting nominations for the 2019 Founders Awards! The Awards & Recognition Committee wants to encourage departments, units, offices and other working communities to consider which of their colleagues they would like to see honored at next year’s Fall Convocation. The nomination form for the 2019 Founders Awards is available electronically. The Awards & Recognition Committee encourages anyone from the UW-Green Bay community (faculty, staff, students and community members) to submit a nomination(s) prior to the March 8, 2019 deadline. The website includes descriptions of award criteria and a list of previous awards. If you have any questions or need assistance completing your nomination(s), please feel free to contact Mike McIntire, Chair of the Awards & Recognition Committee, or any Committee member: Toni Damkoehler, Laura Riddle, Sawa Senzaki, Rosa Serrano, Nathan Kraftcheck, Anna Merry, Ruth Pearson, and Monika Pynaker. Awards & Recognition Committee members are not eligible for nomination.