New campus password policy headed our way
There is a new password policy on campus. Check out the colorful infographic that helps illustrate the change in our password requirements. The change is to comply with UW System Policy 1030 Authentication. The password policy change will be effective on 5/21/18. Any passwords changed after that time will need to meet the new requirements:
-Minimum length of 14 characters
-Mix of upper case, lower case, numbers and special characters
-Must be changed at least every 180 days
-Cannot be any of your last 24 passwords
-Must not be a dictionary word or a previously breached password (i.e. a password made public as part of a Cyber Security Breach)
-Anything passphrase above 20 characters overrides the complexity requirements.
For more information, contact Travis Albrecht,, information technology security officer and network administrator, Division of Information Technology.