Safety first: GenCyber Camp teaches students about internet safety, career potential

Congratulations to the UW-Green Bay team that hosted the first-ever National Security Agency (NSA) GenCyber Camp in the state of Wisconsin, July 31 through August 4. Assistant Prof. Ankur Chattopadhyay (Information and Computing Science) led the way with the curriculum, and UW-Green Bay alumnus Joel Williquette ’12 ’15 (Interdisciplinary Studies, Masters of Management), CIO of Capital Credit Union (a sponsor of the camp) served as an instructor.
Students entering grades seven through nine received practice and exposure to safe online practices, network security, privacy and got a feel for what a career in cybersecurity would entail. More than 100 students participated in the camp, administered by UW-Green Bay’s Jason Mathwig, Director of Camps and Conferences, Division of Continuing Education and Community Engagement.