Tagged: campus

Timetable for construction work in LS/ES/IS area

Timetable for construction work in LS/ES/IS area

Already broadcast to all employees but repeated here for the record and the benefit of our off-campus readers: Facilities Management reports that, affecting the Laboratory Science sidewalks and Instructional Services Court, they will be...

Snapshots: Robins and iceboats

Snapshots: Robins and iceboats

It has been a weird weather year at the University of Wisconsin-Green Bay. Not much snow through late February, but a fair number of days with at least occasional flurries. Not too cold (in...

A TAM primer

A TAM primer

Already distributed to employees but repeated here for the record and your edification, here’s a brief look at some of the features of the new search-and-screen software soon to debut at UW-Green Bay: •...