Chancellor addresses employees on budget impasse
Chancellor Thomas Harden addressed a gathering of about 250 UW-Green Bay faculty and staff last week (Feb. 24) with an update on the state-budget controversy.
Chancellor Thomas Harden addressed a gathering of about 250 UW-Green Bay faculty and staff last week (Feb. 24) with an update on the state-budget controversy.
• Chancellor updates faculty, staff on state budget UW-Green Bay Chancellor Tom Harden circulated an e-mail message late Wednesday afternoon (Feb. 16) in which he thanked faculty and staff members for their continued fine...
The UW-Green Bay Faculty Senate has added an agenda item to its monthly meeting, scheduled for Wednesday (Feb. 16). It’s a resolution in opposition to the budget-repair bill now under consideration by the Wisconsin...
Those interested in public higher education and/or K-12 heard little specific regarding those programs in Gov. Scott Walker’s first State of the State address in Madison Feb. 1. Instead, the governor outlined in more...
According to an article from the Associated Press, Wisconsin may face as much as a $340 million dollar shortfall by the end of June. The new figures were released Monday by the Legislative Fiscal...
Heard the expression “use it or lose it”? This could apply to the budget of the Academic Staff Professional Development Allocation Committee. Committee members are reminding all academic staff that monies are available for...
UW-Green Bay will be closed for general business activities Friday (Nov. 26), the first of four campuswide furlough days identified by the University in response to state-ordered budget cuts. All state employees including those...
The University of Wisconsin-Green Bay will be closed for general business activities on Friday, Nov. 26, the first of four campuswide furlough days identified by the University in response to state-ordered budget cuts. As...
UW System President Kevin Reilly met with Green Bay area reporters Thursday (July 8) as part of what he called a statewide “barnstorming” tour to promote the importance of the UW System’s Growth Agenda....
There’s no disputing that the recession has an impact upon endowments, and on the Thursday (Feb. 4) front page of the Green Bay Press-Gazette — right there under the big photograph of a student...