UW-Green Bay a site for National Debt Forum discussions

UW-Green Bay is among the UW System institutions that will serve as host sites for a series of public, web-based discussion sessions focusing on the impact of the national debt and fiscal policy. It’s part of a statewide effort organized by The Concord Coalition and the Wisconsin Fiscal Advisory Council. Discussion sessions will take place in each of Wisconsin’s eight congressional districts.

  • Session I:  Tuesday, Sept. 28, 6-8 p.m. (UW Green Bay, Mary Ann Cofrin Hall 137)
  • Session II:  Tuesday, Oct. 12, 6-8 p.m. (MAC Hall 137)
  • Session III:  Tuesday, Oct. 26, 6-8 p.m. (MAC Hall 137) Postponed until after Election Day

The first forum, Sept. 28, will focus on the national debt and feature presentations by Alice Rivlin, budget director under President Clinton and now at the Brookings Institute; Brian Riedl, Grover Herman Fellow in Federal Budgetary Affairs at the Heritage Foundation; and Robert Bixby, president of The Concord Coalition. The conference will be webcast from Washington, D.C. During each forum, a moderator from the Wisconsin Fiscal Advisory Council will be present and there will be an opportunity for audience members to ask questions of the presenters, which will be coordinated by the facilitator via the internet for a live response from the experts to the audiences at each campus.

The second session, Oct. 12, will include a discussion of what’s being done in Washington D.C. to address the national debt. Featured speakers will include Wisconsin Congressman Paul Ryan, a member of the President’s Debt and Deficit Commission, along with another representative of the President’s Commission. This session will be originated from Milwaukee.

The third forum, on Oct. 26, will focus on the impact of the national debt on Wisconsin. Presenters will include experts on state budgeting and finance broadcasting from Madison and local officials who will appear live at the conference in their areas.

There will be an opportunity at each conference for audience members to ask questions of presenters. Each conference is open to the general public. In addition faculty, staff and students are invited to attend these discussions.

Those interested in attending are asked to RSVP by calling the UW-Green Bay Chancellor’s Office at 465-2207.

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