Herdman to explore integrative healthcare in ‘After Thoughts’ talk Oct. 6

Associate Professor of Nursing T. Heather Herdman
The history of holism and its contrasts with our current health care system is the topic of the University of Wisconsin-Green Bay’s first After Thoughts presentation of the 2015-16 series.
UW-Green Bay Associate Professor of Nursing T. Heather Herdman will present “Integrative Health Care: what’s the whole holistic thing, anyway?” Tuesday, Oct. 6 in the Grand Foyer of the Weidner Center for the Performing Arts on the campus at 2420 Nicolet Drive. Herdman plans to use her expertise in clinical reasoning and standardized language in nursing to help her audience better understand processes that are not yet part of traditional nursing or medical programs.
Herdman has held leadership positions with national and international nursing organizations. She is widely recognized for her expertise in holistic care and has studied clinical aromatherapy, massage and herbal therapies. “People are learning about and integrating essential oils, herbs, and body therapies into their daily lives and we need to be able to talk about these in an open and informed way,” she says.
Herdman received her Ph. D and master’s in nursing from Boston College and her BSN from the University of South Carolina, Columbia. She is the editor of a fundamental nursing textbook and has also authored numerous articles related to clinical reasoning, assessment, nursing diagnosis, outcomes and interventions in a variety of patient areas. She also lectures extensively on safe use of essential oils and herbs to help people use them wisely.
Now in its fifth full season, After Thoughts seeks to connect members of the community with UW-Green Bay. The gatherings showcase talented women among University faculty, staff and alumni, and convene men and women after their workday for learning, enrichment and fun.
After Thoughts begins with a 5 pm reception, followed by Herdman’s talk on complementary medicine beginning at 5:45 pm. Each After Thoughts event is located in the Grand Foyer of the Weidner Center at UW-Green Bay and is from 5-7 pm. The event begins with time to socialize, network, and enjoy hors d’oeuvres before the featured presentation.
Seating for After Thoughts is limited, so advanced registration is recommended. The cost of each program is $15. To reserve your spot, send a check (payable to UW-Green Bay Foundation) to: UW-Green Bay Foundation, CL 805, 2420 Nicolet Drive, Green Bay, WI 54311; or register online. Walk-up registration also is an option. Call (920) 465-2074 for more information. You can find After Thoughts on Facebook. Visit After Thoughts website for more information about the series.