UW-Green Bay Receives Grant to Develop New Elder Justice Coalition in Wisconsin

The University of Wisconsin-Green Bay in collaboration with the Wisconsin Department of Justice was awarded a $327,957 grant to strengthen the Elder Justice Coalition in Wisconsin. Wisconsin’s Elder Justice Coalition collaborates with state agencies, statewide organizations, and non-governmental agencies to bridge gaps in needed services, raise public awareness, and advocate for elder justice in Wisconsin.
The grant was awarded to UW-Green Bay by Lifespan of Greater Rochester, which runs the National Center for State and Tribal Elder Justice Coalitions as part of funding they receive through the U.S. Department of Justice, Office for Victims of Crime. The Wisconsin Elder Justice Coalition grant period runs from October 2023 through September 2025.
“With strong partnerships, communities can more effectively combat elder abuse,” said Attorney General Josh Kaul. “I commend UW-Green Bay for seeking to foster greater collaboration to protect Wisconsinites from elder abuse.”
The U.S. Census Bureau estimates that nearly 26% of Wisconsin’s population will be 60 and older by the year 2030, an increase of more than 36% from 2012.
“Protecting older people in Wisconsin from abuse, neglect, and exploitation is a priority of the Department of Health Services,” said Carrie Molke, Director of the Bureau of Aging and Disability Resources. “We are grateful to the University of Wisconsin-Green Bay and the WI Department of Justice for creating a pathway for a more coordinated service system. We look forward to engaging with Coalition partners to create awareness, pool resources, and strengthen our collective ability to prevent and protect people from abuse.”
According to the World Health Organization, elder abuse is “a single, or repeated act, or lack of appropriate action, occurring within any relationship where there is an expectation of trust which causes harm or distress to an older person.” Elder abuse can be verbal, physical, emotional, sexual or financial. It can also be intentional or unintentional neglect.
The mission of Wisconsin’s Elder Justice Coalition focuses on seven primary objectives:
- Expand the current Coordinated Community Response Team on Abuse in Later Life into a permanent and formal Elder Justice Coalition.
- Develop and create the Wisconsin Financial Abuse Specialist Team (FAST) process and FAST pilot.
- Recruit, develop, and support a FAST in each of the five Adult Protective Services (APS) regions.
- Develop and pilot at least one Elder Death Review Team (EDRT) to investigate elder deaths suspected of abuse or neglect.
- Conduct needs assessment of financial institutions, healthcare entities, law enforcement, and prosecutors to determine elder justice educational needs.
- Create elder justice educational materials and training available throughout the state based on needs assessment results.
- Provide elder justice education and disseminate to state and local government leaders.
To execute this mission, UW-Green Bay collaborates and coordinates with prominent statewide organizations, such as:
- Associated Bank
- Bureau of Aging and Disability Resources
- Capital Credit Union
- Department of Finance Institutions
- ERAS Network
- Family Peace Center
- Fortress Forensic Investigations
- Fox Credit Union
- Greater Wisconsin Agency on Aging Resources
- Legal Action of Wisconsin
- New Beginnings APFV
- Waukesha County District Attorney’s Office
- Wisconsin County Human Services Association
- Wisconsin Credit Union League
- Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade &
- Consumer Protection
- Wisconsin Department of Health Services
- Wisconsin Department of Justice
To learn more about Wisconsin’s Elder Justice Coalition, visit the website at www.uwgb.edu/elder-justice-coalitionor contact Laura Nolan, Program Manager, Business and Government Outreach, at nolanl@uwgb.edu or 920-465-2772.
The Elder Justice Coalition is sponsored by the Division of Continuing Education and Workforce Training at UW-Green Bay, dedicated to upskilling, reskilling and new skilling.