UW-Green Bay Student Employment Updates

Un update from Human Resources, March 19, 2020

“UW-Green Bay continues to work through details related to student employment in light of COVID-19 and will provide updates as we are able. We recognize that this is a challenging time as many of you rely on the income from your on-campus position. Please know that we are working hard to find the best possible solution for everyone as quickly as possible while ensuring our campus communities’ safety remains a priority.

Consistent with the communication sent on March 17, 2020, from Interim Chancellor Van Gruensven, all classes have been moved to alternative delivery through the end of the semester. Students are encouraged to avoid campus when possible. That being said, if you wish to continue working and feel safe doing so, you are able to work as long as work is available. We would strongly encourage you to have a discussion with your supervisor prior to reporting to work. It is important to note that should work that is normally performed within your role not be available you may be reassigned to help another department or area.

On March 17, 2020, the University of Wisconsin System released SYS 1200-Interim 02, COVID-19 Leave Policy which provides additional leave to certain employee groups. At this time, student employees are not eligible for these leave benefits. We are exploring the options of telecommuting for specific student employees based upon job functions, but our first priority as an institution is to ensure that course delivery can be achieved. Updates on this will be shared as they become available.

The entire UW-Green Bay community recognizes that the work student employees perform provides critical benefits for the operations of our institution. We appreciate you and your service. We also recognize that the impact of COVID-19 on your financial health may be stressful and we are working to find solutions and resources as quickly as possible.

For general questions about student employment during this time, please contact your supervisor directly or the Office of Human Resources and Workforce Diversity at hr@uwgb.edu or (920) 465-2390. For student emergency fiscal support contact Gboss@uwgb.edu or call 920-465-2111.”


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