UW-Green Bay becomes gold level sponsor of the STEAM Engine
At a kick-off event, Feb. 22, John Katers, Dean of the College of Science and Technology, announced that UW–Green Bay has committed as a gold level sponsor of “STEAM Engine,” events, as they align closely with the College of Science and Technology and the College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences. STEAM Engine represents science, technology, engineering, art and mathematics. The inaugural event at the Neville Public Museum included presentations by Sam Hunt, current UW-Green Bay student in mathematics and education, and Associate Prof. Dan Meinhardt (Human Biology). Topics for the five presentations were
- Ready-to-eat local food + social business = multiple benefits
- The biochemical effects of stress on our health
- Proto STEAM project and workshop development
- Art Symposium: a look at the future of Art in Green Bay
- What’s sex got to do with it?
Additional information on the STEAM Engine can be found at www.steamenginegb.com. The remaining STEAM Engine events for this year will be held on May 16, August 15 and November 21 at the Neville Museum, with presentations at 7 p.m. and a social to follow.