More snap: UW-Green Bay hosts successful Snapchat Q & A Day

UWGB Snapchat Q & A Day
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Working as a team in one-hour shifts Jena Richter Landers of Marketing and University Communication and Kayla Peterson of Admissions successfully hosted the second-ever UW-Green Bay Snapchat Q & A Day. The Q & A Day ran from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Tuesday, Dec. 27. The pair answered questions (often multiple per “snapper”) from about 75 participants (mostly prospective/admitted students) about student life, academic requirements, living on campus and more. Questions were submitted via Snapchat as images (snaps) or text chats. Each question received an answer and more than 30 questions were answer in the Snapchat account’s story for all of UW-Green Bay’s Snapchat friends to see. Snapchat Q & A Day was promoted via email to admitted students, via UW-Green Bay and UW-Green Bay Admission’s social media, UW-Green Bay Admission’s blog and UW-Green Bay Snapchat account leading up to the event. Richter Landers says she continues to field questions from prospects.