Panel on Middle East refugees highlights Arab Awareness Week
We’ve told you previously to mark your calendar for a pair of events this week:
• Tuesday, Sept. 17 – Jordanian Dinner, 5:30 p.m., with visitors Tony Anqod and Ahmad Kamal Azban providing the music and food at the Mauthe Center
• Thursday, Sept 19 – Panel Discussion on Middle East refugees, 6 p.m., at the Mauthe Center
Here is additional detail about the Thursday panel discussion, as provided by Jill Collins White, anthropologist and assistant professor of Human Development: Jordan has a long history of aiding refugees from the various wars of the 20th Century in the Middle East; a consistent American ally, Jordan is also a poor nation and one whose citizens struggle with the stress of providing aid to these refugees. Adjunct Prof. James White will provide an historical introduction and moderate the discussion. The panelists, including Jill White and Jordanian educators Ahmad Azban and Tony Anqoud, will then discuss the issues from the perspective of Jordanian citizens as well as from those living in the camps. More information about Azban and Anquod.