Founders Awards — Call for Nominations
Submissions are being accepted for the 2017 Founders Association Awards. The Awards & Recognition Committee encourages anyone from the UW-Green Bay community to nominate. A list of awards and descriptions of award criteria, as well as a list of previous award winners can be found online. The deadline for submission is March 6, 2017.
The nomination form can be completed electronically. Individuals and groups who have received the Founders Award for a given category within the last 15 years will not be eligible for that same category. Also, self-nominated individuals and groups will not receive consideration. If the individual(s) you nominate is (are) selected as a finalists(s), you will be contacted to provide further information such as background information on your nominee, letters of support addressing the nominee’s qualifications for the award, etc. All awards will be presented at the campus-wide convocation in August.
If you have any questions or need assistance completing your nomination(s), please feel free to contact Kristy Aoki, Chair of the Awards & Recognition Committee, or any Committee member – (Sarah Meredith Livingston, Eric Morgan, Jeremy Intemann, Kathleen Burns, Greg Kannenberg, Ruth Pearson and Marie Helmke). Awards & Recognition Committee members are not eligible for nomination.