Student engineering chapter receives ‘significant improvement’ letter
Congratulations to UW-Green Bay’s American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) Student Chapter on being presented the 2021 Letter of Significant Improvement. Faculty advisor Mike Holly received the recognition dated March 26, 2021.
“It is my pleasure to inform you the University of Wisconsin-Green Bay ASCE Student Chapter has been awarded this 2021 Letter of Significant Improvement. Your Chapter was recommended for this award by the Committee on Student Members based on activities recorded in the 2020 annual report.
Your Chapter has shown considerable advancement in its activities from the previous year. The Chapter’s accomplishments reflect the enthusiasm and hard work of your student officers and members, as well as your fine guidance as faculty advisor. You, the practitioner advisors, and every individual who had a part in this endeavor should be justifiably proud of his or her contribution to the development of the future of civil engineering.”