iPat Film Series: ‘A Fierce Green Fire,’ Tuesday night
The people from the iPAT film series welcome you to the Christie Theatre for their final film of the semester at 7 p.m. Tuesday (April 1). “A Fierce Green Fire” is billed as an inspiring historical overview of the environmental movement and is helped along by narration from Robert Redford, Ashley Judd, Meryl Streep and others. The title has some Wisconsin roots, having emerged from Aldo Leopold’s story of shooting a wolf and seeing a “fierce green fire” in its dying eyes. Eric Morgan, Democracy and Justice Studies, will be on hand to lead the post-film discussion and highlight the relevance of this film for our local community. The iPat series is free and open to the public – and free popcorn will be provided! Questions? Contact Ashley Heath: 465-2608 or heatha@uwgb.edu. For more information on the film, see: www.afiercegreenfire.com.