Save the date: Global Studies’ second spring 2018 conversation, Feb. 16

Global Studies program invites you to its second Spring 2018 Conversation about important international events, “Where are they now? Updates on the political situation in Germany, Spain and France.” Here is the submission: “Remember discussions about the German elections, situation in Catalonia, and upcoming Russian presidential elections? Ever wonder what is going on now? We will discuss the most recent update” on Friday, Feb. 16, 2 to 3:30 p.m. in Room 111 of the MAC Hall (concourse level). Discussion will be led by professors Cristina Ortiz (Humanities), David Coury (Humanities) and Katia Levintova (Democracy and Justice Studies) These discussions allow those on campus to have important and timely conversations about topical events and processes around the world. Please save the date.


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