UW-Green Bay Rocket Team takes third place in Collegiate Rocket Launch

UW-Green Bay's Rocket Team from the Green Bay Campus placed third in this year's Collegiate Rocket Launch
UW-Green Bay's Rocket Team from the Green Bay Campus placed third in this year's Collegiate Rocket Launch
UW-Green Bay’s Rocket Team from the Green Bay Campus placed third in this year’s Collegiate Rocket Launch (CRL) competition, organized by the Wisconsin Space Grant Consortium. The student team, led by Mechanical Engineering student Elly Purdy and advised by Prof. Brian Welsch (Physics), will split a $1,000 prize. See the launch video footage put together by Purdy. This marks the second year in a row that a UW-Green Bay placed in the top three in CRL competition. The team from the Sheboygan Campus won first place last year. See more about the CRL.

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