Daily Archive: July 29, 2020
Found on Facebook and certainly worth sharing, UW-Green Bay Prof. Aaron Weinschenk (Political Science) accepted a dinner invitation with one of the Consul-General of Japan (Chicago consulate). His goal was to learn about Wisconsin’s...
The Office of Academic Affairs invites UW-Green Bay staff members to participate in professional development sessions on Mental Health. Wednesday, August 5, 9 to 10:30 a.m. Diversity and Mental Health: Exploring the Role of...
Jill Kerske has the foresight to predict potential issues before they leak out of the pipeline. But, the 21-year industry veteran isn’t just an anticipator; she’s a reactor, when appropriate, always ready with solutions....
Current Young Professionals, a program of the Greater Green Bay Chamber, honored two individuals and one business at its annual Future 15 & Young Professional Awards presented by the Donald J. Schneider MBA program...
Amani Latimer Burris says that she is running for State Senate to celebrate the diversity of Madison and Wisconsin and because she is passionate about uniting us in our differences. Economics, she says, is...
In a recently-released statement, the Horizon League, which the University of Wisconsin-Green Bay is a member of, decided to delay the start of fall competition for all sports, with the understanding that if competition...
The Niagara Women’s Civic Club awarded $500 scholarships to two senior girls and one adult woman returning to school. Elsa Champeau, daughter of Joe and Shanna Champeau, will study Human Biology at the University of...
When Chicago educators hit the pavement last month with picket signs demanding police-free campuses, they challenged a security strategy that teachers unions have long embraced — and one that continues to divide school staff...
UW-Green Bay alumnus Ben Fauske (Business) recently wrote a new book on his journey to authentic confidence. The book is titled, “Authentic Confidence: The Secret to Loving your Work and Leading and Unstoppable Career.” Fauske...
Although UW-Green Bay is intending to be open in fall and welcoming faculty, staff and students back on campus, some classes originally scheduled for in-person instruction will be moving online or having online aspects...