Daily Archive: July 23, 2020
Gallons of hand sanitizer, disinfectant, and personal protective equipment. Tory Ortscheid has to buy it all before students come back to the University of Wisconsin Green Bay. “It would be upwards of tens of...
The UW-Green Bay Office of Continuing Professional Education and Community Engagement has put together a line up of three experts around disruptive innovation and will host a virtual daylong conference on Aug. 25. Disruptive...
Last night, the Green Bay Common Council secured more than $1 million in funding to help realize its goal of carrying out safe, accessible, and fair elections this year and in the future. The...
The CATL herd is growing! The Center is welcoming some familiar faces as new team members. Many of you already know Scott Berg from his role as electronics technician for IT, Client Services; Berg...
The Phi Eta Sigma Scholarship Committee has thoughtfully reviewed another large number of applications for the Society’s scholarship program. A few short years ago (1970), nine $300 awards were granted annually. This year, the...