Tagged: Information and Computing Science

UW-Green Bay joins 42,000 in Global Game Jam

UW-Green Bay joined 42,000 participants in Global Game Jam last weekend, (Jan. 27-29, 2018) at The Mauthe Center. The jam is organized in venues across the world on a specific weekend, for digital and...

Prof. Clampitt carries century-old tradition

The University Mace — a ceremonial staff signifying authority — is carried to the stage by one of the most accomplished faculty members just ahead of the Chancellor during the commencement procession. The centuries-old...

Jingle Brawl III was a hit

Jingle Brawl III raised nearly $650 for the Child Life program at HSHS St. Vincent Children’s Hospital and was featured on Fox 11. Hospital representatives said the money raised will go a long way...

Fox 11 features GenCyber, alumnus Williquette

Fox 11 features GenCyber, alumnus Williquette

Joel Williquette ’12 ’15 (Interdisciplinary Studies, Masters of Management), Vice President/CIO of Capital Credit Union and an instructor at UW-Green Bay’s GenCyber Camp, says there is a huge shortfall of cyber security professionals in...

GenCyber Camp featured on WBAY

GenCyber Camp featured on WBAY

UW-Green Bay is teaming up with the National Science Foundation and the National Security Agency for a GenCyber Camp. “I think it’s a very well-known fact that we are hugely short of the demand...