Tagged: Upward Bound

TRiO camps in full swing

TRiO camps in full swing

Functioning under a TRiO grant from the U.S. Department of Education, UW-Green Bay has partnered for many years to host Upward Bound and the Regional Center for Math and Science. Over the summer, a...

Upward Bound plans cards for troops

Upward Bound plans cards for troops

This holiday season, the Upward Bound Office (which has been doing holiday service projects for several years now) will be doing something different: making holiday cards and decorations to send to our troops overseas....

Upward Bound is re-upped through 2017

Upward Bound is re-upped through 2017

This happened over the summer, but was heretofore un-noted in this space: UW-Green Bay has been notified by the U.S. Department of Education that funding for the Upward Bound program here was approved through...

Photo: Future freshman Vang wins design award

Photo: Future freshman Vang wins design award

Michael Casbourne of Upward Bound tells us that program participant and incoming UW-Green Bay freshman Tina Vang has had her pin design selected for honors in connection with the Future Business Leaders of America’s...

Upward Bound student receives honor

Upward Bound student receives honor

Director of UW-Green Bay’s Upward Bound program Michael Casbourne, forwarded a note about future UWGB student Tina Vang. Vang’s pin design was selected as the Wisconsin representative for the Future Business Leaders of America’s national...

Upward Bound and a sweet fundraiser

Upward Bound and a sweet fundraiser

The folks in Upward Bound inform us they’re selling Seroogy’s chocolate bars for the holidays.  “They make great stocking stuffers….2/$3.00.” Stop in at Room 1721 of the Student Services Building.

Upward Bound will ‘adopt’ a family

Upward Bound will ‘adopt’ a family

The folks in the Upward Bound Office are once again adopting a family this holiday season. They have been given a father and three daughters.  Salvation Army guidelines are that the family should receive...

Upward Bound’s ‘adopt-a-family’ drive

Upward Bound’s ‘adopt-a-family’ drive

For the 8th consecutive holiday season, the staff at UW-Green Bay’s Upward Bound program is “adopting” a local family to brighten their holidays.  Visit the bulletin board outside of Student Services Building Room 1721...