Tagged: iPat Film Series

iPat film series is back for Fall

iPat film series is back for Fall

The iPat environmental film series will kick off the Fall semester with “Waterlife” at 7 p.m. Tuesday (October 7th) in the Christie Theatre. The documentary investigates water’s journey from the streams that enter Lake Superior to the mouth of the...

iPat Film Series: Do The Math, Tuesday at 7

iPat Film Series: Do The Math, Tuesday at 7

It’s the next installment of the iPat series: Do The Math is a fast-paced documentary about the rising movement to take on the fossil fuel industry and address growing climate concerns. Whitney Passint, UW Green Bay graduate...

iPat film series is back for spring!

iPat film series is back for spring!

The iPat environmental film series will kick of the spring semester with “Shattered Sky” at 7 p.m. Tuesday (Feb. 4) in the Christie Theatre. The documentarytells the story of hownAmerica led the world to...