Tagged: Grants in Aid of Research
• Reminder: The deadline for Teaching Enhancement Grant proposals is Oct. 20. • Applications for 2015-16 Wisconsin Teaching Fellows/Scholars are due Oct. 24
. • The campus Research Council reminds us that the deadline for...
The campus Research Council reminds us that the deadline for fall 2014 Grants in Aid of Research proposals is Monday, Oct. 20. Funds must be used in support of faculty research. All things being...
The UW-Green Bay Research Council is currently accepting proposals for Fall 2014 Grants in Aid of Research program. Faculty having applied for GIAR funding in the past will want to note that revisions have...
Associate Prof. Scott Ashmann of the Research Council also announced Wednesday that the Spring 2014 Grants in Aid of Research program has awarded a total of $21,454 to fund projects submitted by two dozen...
Each year the Office of the Provost sets aside funds for faculty research to help cover research expenses, such as travel costs for faculty who are invited to present research papers at conferences, to...
Would you like to see your name on the list of Research Council awardees? There is another opportunity for this semester. The Research Council is currently accepting proposals for: Grants in Aid of Research...
The deadline to submit Grants in Aid of Research proposals to the Research Council is 4:00 pm on Monday, October 21. Please follow this link for more information: www.uwgb.edu/rc/giar.asp. Questions? Please contact Scott Ashmann,...
The UW-Green Bay Research Council announces two fall-semester funding opportunities. Information and deadlines are as follows: • Grants in Aid of Research (Applications due October 21, 2013.) Grants up to $1,000 (see guidelines for...
Each year the Office of the Provost provides funds for faculty research to help cover research expenses such as travel costs for faculty who are invited to present research papers at conferences, to participate...
The Research Council will again solicit Grants in Aid of Research, Grants for Integrating Research and Teaching, and Research Scholar proposals in Fall 2013. The Fall 2013 GIAR proposals will be due by 4...