Tagged: faculty/staff

Faculty note: Assistant Prof. Maruf Hossain publication

Faculty note: Assistant Prof. Maruf Hossain publication

UW-Green Bay Assistant Prof. Maruf Hossain (Electrical Engineering Technology) has co-authored a paper entitled “Three-Phase PLL for Grid-Connected Power Converters under Both Amplitude and Phase Unbalanced Conditions,” which has been accepted for publication in...

Prof. Michael Draney featured in WBAY story

Prof. Michael Draney featured in WBAY story

UW-Green Bay Prof. Michael Draney (Natural and Applied Sciences) was featured in a story that discusses winter weather and the possible consequences that the extreme temperatures can have on insects. “With insects, it’s all about...

Faculty note: Assistant Prof. Maruf Hossain publication

Faculty note: Assistant Prof. Maruf Hossain publication

Assistant Prof. Maruf Hossain (Electrical Engineering Technology) has co-authored a paper entitled “Open-Loop Approach for Robust Detection of Selective Harmonic in Single-Phase System,” which has been accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Industrial...