Tagged: EMBI

UW-Green Bay to host Green Innovations conference on status, future of water

UW-Green Bay to host Green Innovations conference on status, future of water

The Environmental Management and Business Institute (EMBI) at the University of Wisconsin-Green Bay will present its Green Innovations 2012 conference Wednesday, April 18 through Friday, April 20 on the University campus, 2420 Nicolet Drive. Titled “Water — Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow,” the conference offers the chance for attendees to be where innovation, business and water resources meet.

Katers on Brown County Economic Development Task Force

Katers on Brown County Economic Development Task Force

UW-Green Bay Prof. John Katers will be part of a team taking the long view on economic development in Northeastern Wisconsin, Brown County Executive Troy Streckenbach announced Wednesday (March 7). The newly formed Brown...

EMBI now has a Facebook page

EMBI now has a Facebook page

The Environmental Management and Business Institute now has a Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Environmental-Management-Business-Institute-EMBI/179340902087397.  

EMBI speaker has new food project

EMBI speaker has new food project

Jeremy Seifert, featured speaker at this past April’s Green Innovations 2011 conference, engaged audience members with his award-winning documentary “DIVE” about food waste. Faculty members from UW-Green Bay’s EMBI initiative inform us that his...

Reminder: Conservation Award Program tonight

Reminder: Conservation Award Program tonight

Former Lt. Governor Barbara Lawton will be the guest speaker tonight (May 18), when the 2011 Champions of Conservation Award Program is held on the UW-Green Bay campus. Her talk is titled “Cultivating Environmental...