Tagged: dining services

Fall dining hours posted

Fall dining hours posted

Your University Dining hours are now posted… (including the much anticipated opening date of the Garden Café). Visit www.uwgb.edu/union/dining/hours.

Campus dining details and updates for Fall 2016

Campus dining details and updates for Fall 2016

The Marketplace opened today, with all-you-can-eat-option UW‑Green Bay’s brand-new all-you-can-eat dining venue, The Marketplace, opened inside Leona Cloud Commons, today (Sept. 1, 2016.) The Marketplace is the primary dining location for students on meal plans....

Student employment available on campus

Student employment available on campus

Do you know of a student looking for employment on campus? The University Union, Phoenix Bookstore, Shorewood Golf Course (clubhouse and grounds), and/or University Dining Services (Chartwells) has openings. Students can email swansont@uwgb.edu or...

Introducing Chartwells

Introducing Chartwells

Chartwells becomes the University’s new caterer beginning August 1. Among the changes will be a completely revised catering menu. Watch this space for details. Please contact Alise Krueger with any questions or concerns; kruegeral@uwgb.edu,...

Garden Café to close for remodeling

Garden Café to close for remodeling

Starting July 5, the Garden Café will be closed for remodeling until late August. The Common Grounds Coffeehouse in the University Union will be open from 7:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. Monday through Friday and...

More from UWGB Dining

More from UWGB Dining

If you didn’t see yesterday’s Log, it is worth a look back in your inbox (see “Dining Changes: Read all about it”) regarding our new partner — Çhartwells — beginning August 1, as well as summer...

Dining: Summer hours

Dining: Summer hours

The Log has had requests for summer dining hours… Please note also, in the changes listed below, that the Garden Café will be closed beginning July 4 until mid- to late-August for remodeling. Those...