Photos from a Convocation
If you attended the Mid-Year Convocation at UW-Green Bay on Wednesday of this week, you’ll probably recognize yourself in one of the many photographs posted online. Almost without exception, it was a happy, smiling...
If you attended the Mid-Year Convocation at UW-Green Bay on Wednesday of this week, you’ll probably recognize yourself in one of the many photographs posted online. Almost without exception, it was a happy, smiling...
UW-Green Bay faculty and staff members gathered Jan. 19 at the University Union’s Phoenix Room for the annual Mid-Year Convocation in advance of the second semester. The formal program included granting of emeriti status to distinguished retirees, and years-of-service recognition for longtime employees.
A near-capacity audience packed the University Union’s Phoenix Room Jan. 19 for the annual Mid-Year Convocation of faculty and staff.
Not only will the faculty and staff members acknowledged at Wednesday’s convocation receive a round of applause, they’ll also receive small token gifts based on years of service. A UW-Green Bay padfolio (leather folder)...
The Chancellor’s Office already has a ton of RSVPs, but past experience indicates there are plenty of UW-Green Bay faculty and staff members out there who haven’t yet indicated their intentions regarding the complimentary...
UW-Green Bay’s annual Mid-Year Convocation of faculty and staff includes recognition of colleagues receiving emeritus status, acknowledgment of those celebrating service anniversaries of 10, 20, 25, 30, or 35 years, and remarks by Chancellor...
Mark your calendars, save the dates, reserve these days: Fall Convocation has been set for Wednesday, Aug. 24, 2011, and Mid-Year Convocation is scheduled for Wednesday, Jan. 19, 2011.
UW-Green Bay recognized some of its top faculty and staff members Tuesday (Aug. 24) with Founders Association Awards for Excellence presented at the annual faculty/staff convocation. The awards for excellence and their recipients are:...
UW-Green Bay formally kicked off the 2010-11 academic year with its annual Faculty/Staff Convocation. University photographer Eric Miller captured scenes of the morning’s events, which included an employee breakfast, introduction of new faculty and...
Chancellor Harden concluded his roughly 45-minute Convocation address with a look forward to initiatives likely to be front and center for UW-Green Bay during the 2010-11 academic year. The Chancellor mentioned the University’s need...