Cheers for the next ‘After Thoughts’ featuring Ye Olde Pubs
GREEN BAY – University of Wisconsin-Green Bay Associate Prof. (History) Caroline Boswell will present “Ye Olde Pub: A Social and Cultural History of England’s Early Drinking Houses” on Tuesday, March 1 as part of the University’s After Thoughts series.
The venue will change slightly to accommodate a Wisconsin Public Television recording (and later broadcast) of the event. Instead of its usual location, the Weidner Center Grand Foyer, it will be held in the Weidner Center’s Fort Howard Hall on the UWGB campus, 2420 Nicolet Drive.

Prof. Caroline Boswell
Boswell’s presentation will delve into the rich early history of those temples of British culture: the pubs. Beyond their charm and antiquity, these centuries-old drinking establishments were historic centers for social and political activity, according to Boswell. In medieval and early modern England drinking houses — alehouses, inns and taverns — were vital hubs of sociability, culture and news. Although drinking houses formed an integral part of the social lives of many English men and women, some feared these “dens of iniquity” bred seditious toasts and songs, subversive speeches against church and state and lewd behavior. This presentation will walk through the vibrant social lives of England’s historic watering holes c. 1400-1800.
UW-Green Bay’s 50th Anniversary committee is contributing complementary samples of GB Golden — UWGB’s special edition 50th Anniversary beer — for paid attendees at the pre-presentation reception. Produced in small batches by Titletown Brewing Co., Green Bay, GB Golden is a Kölsch style ale — a slightly malt balanced, light bodied, golden beer; closest in style to an American Lager.
Boswell received her undergraduate degree at UW-Madison, and her master’s and Ph.D. at Brown University. She is a co-editor of Syllabus Journal, and has published articles and book reviews regarding the history and culture of England within the Journal of British Studies, and Seventeenth Century.
Now in its fifth full season, After Thoughts seeks to connect members of the community with UW-Green Bay. The gatherings showcase talented women among University faculty, staff and alumni, and convene men and women after their workday for learning, enrichment and fun.
After Thoughts begins with a 5 p.m. reception with hors d’oeuvres, followed by Boswell’s presentation beginning at 5:45 to 7 p.m.
Seating for After Thoughts is limited. Advanced registration is recommended. The cost of each program is $15. To reserve your spot, send a check (payable to UW-Green Bay Foundation) to: UW-Green Bay Foundation, CL 805, 2420 Nicolet Drive, Green Bay, WI 54311; or register online. Walk-up registration also is an option. Call (920) 465-2074 for more information. You can find After Thoughts on Facebook. Visit After Thoughts website for more information about the series.