LIR gives 360° perspective
Learning in Retirement has a take on 360°. Emeritus faculty member Mike Murphy (Humanistic Studies) said one of the many noteworthy aspects of UWGB’s LIR program is how well it fits in with UWGB’s current “360-degrees of Learning” initiative. “That initiative is intended to emphasize the all-encompassing multi-dimensional nature of the educational opportunities that UWGB students have, including (1) an extensive variety of courses to choose from, (2) a dedicated faculty with broad-ranging experience and expertise, and (3) a wide array of social and outside-class opportunities to allow students to develop and use their personal interests, talents and skills to become both more well-rounded individuals and productive members of the university community. Our LIR program shares all 3 of those…” Mike wrote this for the LIR newsletter. Read more from the October 2012 newsletter. You will find Murphy’s story at the bottom of page 7.
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“As a member of LIR I have had the opportunity to stretch my mind in a number of ways. I have been able to pursue interests, bridge and piano, that I had neither the time nor opportunity to pursue while I was working. Similarly, I have been exposed to some of the greater lights of British and American Literature and different mathematical concepts through LIR courses I have attended. This has truly been 360 degrees of learning.”
— LIR member Bob Cook
“I have been a member of LIR for 10 years, I can attest to the variety of courses that offer opportunities to learn new things. It was an eye-opening experience for me to meet so many people of varied backgrounds that shared their time and knowledge. There were many courses that I said ‘I never thought of it that way’ as subjects were presented in a different light that I had been accustomed to. The social aspects were wonderful too, including trips, Fall Kick-Off and Spring Fling, and being able to sing in an ad hoc chorus.”
— LIR member Donna Heimerl