Help UW-Green Bay’s Exercise is Medicine on Campus to win the Mascot Challenge Video Competition

EIM On Campus teams from around the world returned to face off in the annual Mascot Challenge. This year, a record 34 campuses participated, submitting 90-second videos of how they’re reuniting in movement. UW-Green Bay needs your help to be voted as Fan Favorite! It’s easy to participate.
Here’s how to vote:
- Follow the link to the YouTube playlist of contest entries: Mascot Challenge
- Scroll down until you see the University of Wisconsin-Green Bay video on the playlist. Watch the video and ‘like it’ to vote for it as your favorite! Feel free to watch the other videos.
- Each “like” or “thumbs up” of the video within the YouTube platform will count as a vote. Negative or “thumbs down” votes will not count against a video’s positive votes.
- The video with the most “likes/thumbs up” at the end of the voting period, which is 5 p.m. EDT on October 27, 2021 will be declared the Fan Favorite winner.
- Voting is open to the public, so be sure to share the UWGB entry with anyone you know.