Video: UW-Green Bay senior Faith Klick says ‘thank you’ and ‘keep it up’
Hello, everyone! My name is Faith Klick. I’m a senior here studying Musical Theater and English Literature, and I am so proud to be a Phoenix.
Thank you all for caring for each other’s safety and for following the guidelines. We’ve been able to keep the (COVID-19) virus at bay! Because of this we’ve been able to attend in-person classes and feel free to live safely on campus.
But that does not mean our hard work should stop. We still need to follow the guidelines in order to keep the virus at bay. Please remember the three W’s: wash your hands, wear your mask and watch your distance. These rules also apply when you go off campus, so please be careful when you leave campus.
This is not the semester that any of us imagined, but we’ve done the best we can with the circumstances given.
Thank you again, and as always, go Phoenix!