UW-Green Bay dedicates the Robert G. Bush Conference Room

A conference room in the Environmental Science building on the Green Bay Campus will now carry the name of an engineering pioneer, committed community advocate, visionary business leader and treasured friend of the University of Wisconsin-Green Bay — Robert (Bob) G. Bush.

Friends, family and campus supporters dedicated Room 317F in honor of Bush, on Tuesday, Sept. 18, 2018.  The event recognized Bush’s longtime support and engagement of UW-Green Bay. In fact, the former Chairman, CEO and President of Schreiber Foods, Inc. shared that he was on campus for the original groundbreaking (and even has dirt saved from the event!).

Bush has been a member of the Council of Trustees since its very beginning — in 1998, and served as the trusted group’s secretary for many years. He was granted emeritis status in 2013, but returned to serve shortly after until his final resignation in February of 2018, when he was returned to emeritus status and cited by the board for his exceptional leadership.

The celebration on Sept. 18 included the reading of an official resolution from the Chancellor’s Council of Trustees that reads:

WHEREAS, Bob Bush is known throughout the Green Bay community as a visionary leader and staunch supporter of the non-profit community as evidenced by his many board and committee leadership roles over the years with a wide array of organizations; and

WHEREAS, Bob Bush served on the University of Wisconsin-Green Bay Council of Trustees with devotion and distinction and served as a Phoenix Fund board member, capital campaign cabinet member, Foundation board member and was elected to the Phoenix Hall of Fame; and

WHEREAS, Bob and Carol Bush deserve recognition as long-time University supporters for athletics.  Their leadership gift to the Kress Center campaign yielded a naming gift for the Main Court Arena, affectionately known as “Carol’s Court”.  Their dedication and support of their beloved UWGB Women’s Phoenix Basketball teams throughout the years is legendary; and

WHEREAS, Bob and Carol Bush generously supported the arts at the Weidner Center and contributed to bringing the resplendent Dale Chihuly chandelier to the Weidner Center’s main foyer for the community to enjoy; and

WHEREAS, Bob Bush’s reputation as a devoted community member, business leader, and ambassador for the community will be long-remembered, and his persistence and leadership in advocacy for the University of Wisconsin – Green Bay is unrivaled.

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, on this, the 18th day of September 2018, in honor and recognition of his valuable and devoted service to the University of Wisconsin–Green Bay and its Council of Trustees, the Council of Trustees officially thanks and recognizes Bob Bush and wishes him only the best of things in his next endeavors.

Louis LeCalsey, III                                    Gary L. Miller
Chairman, Council of Trustees              Chancellor, UW-Green Bay

Click to advance slideshow or view the album on Flickr.

Bob Bush Conference Room Dedication

– Photos by Dan Moore, Marketing and University Communication

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