New webpages for majors and minors by Sept. 1
Adept web users may have noticed that some UW-Green Bay academic pages have a new look. The University’s Web Strategy Committee is currently in the process of converting all academic pages to the new global template. Text and images from Admissions handouts featuring majors and minors are being used to populate each respective landing page. In addition to refreshing the content, this conversion includes better alignment of majors and minors pages with the recruitment process. Some of these newly-converted pages have already been published. For example, see the new Biology page.
All new majors and minors landing pages are expected to launch by Sept. 1, 2017, at which time campus-wide content editors will be able to access the pages and make any necessary content changes and updates going forward. Content editors who may not have seen prior communication from Paula Ganyard, co-chair of the Web Strategy Committee, are encouraged to contact her for further details.
Conversion of other sub-pages will be addressed during another phase of this project. After the academic pages, work continues on prioritizing sub-sites that require significant updates and overhaul, including:
- Graduate Programs
- Academic Affairs (non-academic units)
- Advancement
- Business & Finance
- Student Affairs
The Web Strategy team is in the process of auditing these areas to understand the size and scope of the changes needed. This work will inform campus priorities which will be shared in September.
Web Strategy Committee
The University’s Web Strategy Committee, whose appointment and charge was announced by the Chancellor’s office June 7, has been meeting over the summer to develop a web strategy and priorities for UW-Green Bay’s website. The strategy serves as the foundation for the path forward, and provides direction for realizing the shared goal of creating, maintaining and continuously enhancing a website that attracts and engages prospective students, alumni, donors, faculty/staff, community and the news media. Target audiences and objectives have also been prioritized and developed during this process. It provides the context needed to work together effectively on future website improvements and enhancements and drives the alignment needed to achieve our content and branding objectives.
Website Requests
The Web Strategy Committee welcomes thoughts, ideas and questions it continues to improve and enhance UW-Green Bay’s site. An online form for submitting ideas regarding, to be addressed by the Committee, can be found at