Professors Weinschenk and Huffcutt are named professors; Rezvanian named endowed chair
Professor Aaron Weinschenk from the Political Science program has been named the Ben and Joyce Rosenberg Professorship. This award recognizes and gives support for a full professor who has demonstrated a productive commitment to scholarship and/or outreach and whose work exemplifies the spirit and mission of the University.
Weinschenk’s productive commitment is easily documented by his research in collaboration with other scholars, and with our own UW-Green Bay students. Noteworthy is his work implementing an Undergraduate Research Lab which resulted in a peer-reviewed publication that included the undergrads as authors. His own list of peer-reviewed journals is lengthy and the topic —mass political behavior, and how people think, feel and act in political situations—has national media interest. Demonstrating to his students that civic engagement is ultimately the lifeblood of strong communities, he served as co-principal investigator of the 2016 Brown County LIFE Study—taking a close look at quality of life issues in Brown County. Most recently, he was appointed by the mayor to serve on the City of Green Bay’s Ethics Board. Finally, as one of the co-creators, he organized a sold-out series of TEDx Talks on campus that have brought tremendous recognition to the University, and continue to generate interest on You Tube.
Allen Huffcutt of the Business Administration faculty has named the Philip J. and Elizabeth Hendrickson Professorship for Business, which recognizes and supports a full professor who has demonstrated a productive commitment to scholarship and/or outreach and whose work exemplifies the spirit and mission of UW-Green Bay, while helping students understand the positive role of business in the community and the importance of business ethics.
Huffcutt’s research, particularly on employment interviews, has been widely recognized both inside and outside academia. Recently, he was noted to be among the top 2% most influential authors as measured by textbook citations. He is a Fellow in two organizations (the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology or SIOP, and the Association for Psychological Science. Forbes online and the Chronicle of Higher Education highlighted his research on interviews. Allen has a long history of involving students in research. Beginning last fall, Allen put together an undergraduate research team called the STARS (Students Together Achieving Research), with an end-goal of having the undergraduates conducting annual research and connecting with local business and industry and provide services related to employment teaching and development.
Rasoul Rezvanian has been named the newly appointed Austin E. Cofrin Endowed Chair in Business. The endowed chair is a faculty position in a focused area of importance to the University. The chair is filled by a distinguished faculty member who has a national or international reputation in his or her field. In his role as the Endowed Chair in Business, Rasoul will occupy a leadership and advocacy position in the Cofrin School of Business.
Resvanian serves as chair of the new Impact MBA program. His research interests are focused on areas of international financial markets, institutions and bank management. Rasoul’s teaching specialties are corporate finance, financial markets and institutions, bank management, and international finance. He has served as a discipline peer reviewer for the Council for International Exchange of Scholars for Fulbright applicants, as well as the Social Science and Humanities Research Council of Canada.
The three were announced during UW-Green Bay Faculty and Staff Convocation, August 26, 2020 via a virtual Teams meetings with faculty, staff and supporters.