Scholarships, Inc. 2011 Lamp of Knowledge Celebration
As one of the “Magna Cum Laude” sponsors for the annual Scholarships, Inc. Lamp of Knowledge Celebration, UW-Green Bay representatives helped honor about 150 students receiving scholarships to this and other schools through the organization’s efforts.
Scholarships, Inc., has awarded more $7 million to more than 7,500 students from Brown and Door Counties since its inception in 1962. Jenna Kerin, a Social Work major at UW-Green Bay and 2009 Scholarships, Inc., recipient, was the featured speaker.
Here are a few b&w snapshots of the UW-Green Bay contingent (our volunteer photographer used the format not to be artsy, but by forgetting to adjust the settings), Pictured are Kerin at the podium, and a couple of UW-Green Bay-bound students — Aasha Kanzenbach, daughter of UWGB academic adviser Nora (Table 9) and Rachel Raisleger, (Table 10) and their family members.
Click thumbnails to enter slideshow view.
Photos by Sue Bodilly,
Office of Marketing and University Communication