More than 50 scientists and professionals gather to assess Bay health and plan for restoration
Fifty scientists, managers and professionals will work together to assess whether currently recommended and future proposed management practices will be sufficient to restore the bay of Green Bay, which is impacted by massive ongoing changes in climate, agriculture, urbanization and development within the watershed. The Cofrin Center for Biodiversity is hosting the Cooperative Institute for Great Lakes Research (CIGLR) Summit on the Ecological and Socio-Economic Tradeoffs of Restoration in the Green Bay, Lake Michigan Ecosystem, July 18-20, 2017. The Science Summit workshop will develop a long-term research and management framework that will help researchers and managers to better forecast future conditions in the Bay of Green Bay. The Summit is being led by UW-Green Bay Professors Bob Howe and Kevin Fermanich and by J. Val Klump from the UW-Milwaukee School of Freshwater Sciences and is supported by funding from the Cooperative Institute for Great Lakes Research (CIGLR). Teams of scientist, managers and professionals will meet to summarize the state of current understanding of ecology of the bay ecosystem and, most importantly, the gaps in this understanding. They will then work together to identify what will be needed to develop a lasting, cost effective and scientifically robust restoration strategy and plan.