The Emmy goes to… Coastal Wetland Monitoring documentary takes home an award
Prof. Robert Howe (NAS) and Erin Giese ’12 from the Cofrin Center for Biodiversity have been participating in the Great Lakes Coastal Wetland Monitoring Program for the past 10 years. A documentary recently made for this program, titled “Linking Land and Lakes: Protecting the Great Lakes’ Coastal Wetlands,” has just won an Emmy in the Photographer Non-News category. The documentary features how coastal wetlands help in keeping the Great Lakes healthy. You can watch the documentary online on PBS.
Prof. Howe is one of the principal investigators for the Great Lakes Coastal Monitoring Program, and Giese coordinates the field work for Prof. Howe’s crew. They have recently published an article in the Journal of Great Lakes Research on how Great Lakes coastal wetland bird and anuran communities vary across ever-changing water levels and geography in the bay of Green Bay using this project’s data set.