Vote now for your favorite Falcon names
One of four young male falcons keeps a watchful eye on the campus courtyard…and the approaching photographer. Photo credit: Tom Erdman, The Richter Museum for Natural History
Voting has closed
It’s time to name those falcons! The University community and members of the public are invited to take part in naming the historical, first successful Peregrine falcon hatch on the UW-Green Bay campus.
Thank you to everyone who provided potential names for campus’s fierce falcon foursome. More than 120 groups of names were submitted by students, staff, faculty, alumni and community members! The small working group responsible for review of the nominations found the suggestions amusing and creative and had difficulty paring down options for the official ballot. Some of the creative “honorable mentions” not included on the ballot:
Falcy McFalcon Face
U, W, R, F – (A nice try by UW-River Falls, home of the Falcons)
Guardians of the Galaxy characters
Lord of the Rings characters
You, Double You, Gee and Bee
What made it on the ballot? You will have to vote to find out! Voting is open through Thursday, June 22 at noon. A celebration and name reveal will occur Wednesday, June 28 at noon in conjunction with Get the Scoop on the Student Services Plaza.
Falcons endure feather-ruffling week
Photo by: Erica Grunseth, Cofrin Library
The UW-Green Bay Peregrine falcons are doing well after a feather-ruffling week. The foursome and their parents have been seen (and heard) perching on the Cofrin Library and elsewhere on campus as they learn to hunt and take flight. Last week Tuesday (June 13), one young falcon faltered during flight lessons, and was trapped on the third floor entrance overhang of Cofrin Library (or maybe he was attempting to check out a book on learning to fly?). He was quickly rescued thanks to Tom Erdman (Richter Museum of Natural History) and Officer Jones (Public Safety).
All four young peregrines (endangered in Wisconsin) weathered the severe storms last week, including strong winds and heavy rain. After the Wednesday, storm and tornado warnings, “all were perched on the roof (north side) at sunset drying themselves,” Erdman shared. “This has been a steep learning curve for them and us! Only with the help from members of facilities and security was this nesting attempt a success. Their help is greatly appreciated.”