Want a text message in case of emergency? Register now for GB Alerts

We’re telling our incoming freshmen about it at FOCUS R&R, so now is about the time to tell the faculty and staff about it, too. UW-Green Bay now has an emergency text messaging service to let you know of campus emergencies via text message to your cellular phone.

Click to sign up for GB Alert

Click to sign up for GB Alert

The service, called “GB Alert,” will only be used in the event of a campus crisis (tornado warning, fire, active shooter, etc.). It will be used in conjunction with UW-Green Bay’s other campus emergency notification systems, which include campuswide e-mails, public address announcements, computer screen pop-ups, and messages on the campus emergency webpage. The service is free unless your cellular provider charges you for incoming text messages. And don’t worry. The service provider we’re using doesn’t sell your phone number, so no spam. Sign up anytime.