It’s compliance time with University Style Guide: Here’s a refresher

In January of this year, University leadership and campus marketing professionals agreed on an updated University Style Guide to maximize the institution’s popular image and brand and to minimize confusion. Nearly six months later, the Office of Marketing and University Communication reminds campus offices, programs and departments to become compliant with these rules as new web sites, brochures, letterhead or promotional materials are created. The University Style Guide — now published on the web — requires few major changes but does clarify and reinforce some basic principles. Among them:

  • Departments and units are not allowed their own logos, unless it is determined that market or business practices dictate such separation. In general, most units are an extension of the University of Wisconsin-Green Bay brand. The unit name should be set off from the logo and University wordmark for maximum effectiveness.
  • “Red” is out. Green and white are today’s University colors, with a touch of red entirely optional and not, in fact, recommended.
  • Use of the label “UWGB” should be limited to only the most local audiences, or for a throwback connotation, say, with 1970s alumni who recall when the acronym was the school’s primary logo. UW-Green Bay or the full name are today’s preference, especially for those who communicate via the web. It is estimated that 30 percent of even our regional audience does not recognize the meaning of the UWGB acronym. Outside the immediate region, that percentage becomes much higher.
  • Logo and emblem usage has tightened up. UW-Green Bay now retains the services of a national firm to administer its licensing program and monitor commercial usage. There are also specific rules governing when the University logo, the Wordmark, the stand-alone Phoenix Emblem, and the Athletics Insignia (sports use only) may be used. (Gone are the days when campus groups could sketch their own mythical phoenix for their club or activity, or pull out a vintage drawing.) In general, the athletics insignia may not be used in place of the official University Phoenix emblem.

The Office of University Marketing and Communication offers its services for clarification. Call Nancy Matzke (2214), Chris Sampson (2527) or Sue Bodilly (5502).