From GPS to graduate school, Shayla Warren has growing aspirations
Shayla Warren studies the long-term neural impact of mild traumatic brain injury (TBI) with the Neuroscience Lab and its faculty members at UW-Green Bay. It’s a massive undertaking for an undergraduate student that could have significant implications on everything from youth sports to accidents on the playground.
What made it even more interesting, though, is the journey Shayla’s taken from a relatively shy, first-generation college student from a small town in northern (Ashland, Wis.) Wisconsin to a confident soon-to-be psychology graduate with doctoral aspirations. Warren plans to continue her research and then apply to graduate school for programs related to psychology or neuroscience.
“This is an opportunity that most undergraduates don’t have, at least not quite as hands-on as my experience was working with EEG, to the best of my knowledge,” she said. “I am very thankful to have been apart of the Neuroscience Lab.”
Earlier this year, she was one of six speakers at the PSI Talks, a venue for outstanding psychology students and psychology alumni to present their research, their internships or jobs, or just discuss about how a psychological concept relates to something from their life. See her talk on Traumatic Brain Injury.