For Commencement flags, a baker's dozen
As could be expected with a record graduating class, there was also an impressive display of international and tribal flags representing nations of origin as identified by members of UW-Green Bay’s May 2010 class.
Along with the flag of the United States of America displayed on stage, flags carried in the processional included those of France, India, Israel, Mexico, the Russian Federation and Trinidad & Tobago. Also displayed were flags representing sovereign American Indian nations and bands including Lac du Flambeau Chippewa, Lakota Sioux, Menominee Nation, Oneida Nation and Stockbridge-Munsee Mohican.
Chancellor Thomas K. Harden explained to the audience of nearly 5,000 that the flags are a UW-Green Bay commencement tradition showing the international reach of the institution and its graduates. The 13 flags carried in the opening processional were immediately posted to a larger display in the Kress Center lobby where approximately 80 flags — for all the nations represented at graduation ceremonies over the years — were available for public viewing.