Celebrating Environmental Design students, May 11, 2022 On Broadway
You are invited to a celebration of students in Environmental Design, Wednesday, May 11, 2022 from 5 to 6:30 p.m. at 211 N. Broadway, the Broadway Centre (Old Fort Square) building downtown Green Bay. Doors are open all day, but the focused program will start after 5 p.m. Park behind the building (Farmers’ Markets are still a few weeks off). At this event, you can expect to see our two current fourth-semester students present their individual capstone projects, find displays of past models and projects from the current and previous semesters, learn more about the Design Arts and Environmental Policy and Planning majors and get updates on both programs, and connect with this year’s designers along with other jurors, partners and supporters of the UW-Green Bay Environmental Design Studios. Please RSVP to Isabel Taubel at taubim18@uwgb.edu.