Led by Assistant Prof. Alison Staudinger (Democracy and Justice Studies) and Prof. David Coury (Humanities), who are co-directing the process of collecting community partner and campus stakeholder input, this forum will share the background of this project, how you might want to get involved, and provide space for you input about what some of the priorities in instructor and staff development in community engagement should be. Organizers also with for feedback on community partners who might be a good fit for area focus groups.
Reminder: Please attend the Civic Action Open Forum, Friday, April 20
Are your students working on research or service projects in the community, or serving as interns? Do you wonder how we can support and cultivate work that connects our campus to the outside world and helps prepare students for a future of contributing to the broader public good? Did you hear a rumor that there was a “civic action plan” in the works and you want to know more? Attend the Civic Action Open Forum, Friday, April 20 from 3 to 5 p.m. in MAC 105. Your feedback is needed for an ongoing initiative to collect, publicize and improve the community engagement we do at UWGB in research, service and the classroom — and in co-curricular activities.