Video: Professor Vince Lowery talks about dealing with disruption

Video Transcript

Hello, my name is Vince Lowery. I am the director of student success and engagement here at UWGB. As we look ahead to the second half of the semester, I want to share some advice to help you deal with the disruption we are experiencing right now:

  • First, create a daily schedule. Build into that schedule time to check e-mail and Canvas for updates from your professors. Be sure you know how your courses are changing and what work you’ve got coming up. Be sure that your schedule includes enough time to get that classwork done. It’s only natural to feel overwhelmed, but a healthy routine will help you reduce stress and be more productive! When you’re doing homework, try one of my favorite tricks, the Pomodoro technique: 25 minutes on task followed by a 5-minute break, then return to work for 25 minutes, and take another 5-minute break. You’re going to get your work done, but it is also important to care for yourself right now. Rewarding yourself with small breaks AND setting aside longer blocks of time to relax checks off both boxes!
  • Second, stay connected with friends and family. As we practice social distancing, it is easy to feel disconnected from others. Use texting, phone, Skype, FaceTime, and social media to stay in touch. We all need each other right now – to share stories, to talk about how we’re feeling, to laugh, and yes, even to cry. The people in our lives need us, too, and these connections will help us get through this!
  • Third, reach out to us if you need a hand. We should remind ourselves that asking for help is a sign of strength in the face of this adversity. Even though you may not be on campus, we’re still here for you. If you’re finding it difficult to adjust to the new delivery of your classes, reach out to your instructors or your advisor for tips. And student support services like GBOSS, the Dean of Students Office, and Counseling and Health remain open and are a call or e-mail away!

Check out the UW-Green Bay website for more information about the University response to COVID-19, as well information about coping with the situation and caring for yourself and others. And remember: we’re here if you need us. We’re in this together; we’ll get through it together!

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