Philosophers Café tackles Ethical Decision Making
The Philosophers Café convenes this week from 7 to 8:30 p.m. Wednesday, March 9, second floor of Titletown Brewing Co., to consider Obstacles to Ethical Decision Making at Work (and Elsewhere). Business ethics, or the apparent lack thereof, makes for good press. Prof. Lucy Arendt (Business Administration) “will help participants consider insider trading, predatory pricing, manufacturing shortcuts, corporate influence on lawmakers, unjust human resource practices, environmental degradation, sex trafficking, rejecting liability, aiding genocide — let’s face it, history is littered with examples of business organizations that have engaged in any number of these unethical and immoral practices — many without facing censure or any other apparent negative consequence. …We’ll discuss the micro level enablers and rationalizations that everyday people use to excuse their bad choices at work.” Classic examples of these rationalizations include, “Everyone’s doing it,” “It doesn’t hurt anyone,” and “I’ve got it coming.” Everyone is welcome.