Campus community is invited to the second installment of the annual Mini EU Forum! Friday, Feb. 25, 2022 from 3 to 4:30 p.m. Romania Today: Old Wine in a New Bottle? (Monica Ciobanu)
Following the bloody revolution of December 1989, Romania’s protracted transition to democracy seemed to have finally become irreversible after the 2007 accession into the European Union. This presentation will address the following questions: How likely it is that the rather slow but progressive movement towards a Western style form of government and society could be reversed? How different Romania is today than it was in 1989?
Ciobanu holds a PhD in Sociology from the Graduate faculty of Political and Social Sciences at the New School for Social Research in NY. She is currently a Professor in the Department of Criminal Justice at State University of New York in Plattsburgh. She has done research and taught in several areas including law and society, political sociology, transitional justice, and memory studies. Her book – Repression, Resistance and Collaboration in Stalinist Romania, 1944-1964: Post-Communist Remembering – was published in 2020 by Routledge Press. Her latest article (with Mihaela Şerban), “Legitimation crisis, memory, and United States exceptionalism: Lessons from post-communist Eastern Europe” was published in December 2021 by Memory Studies journal.
Organized by Model EU Club of UWGB. Free and open to the public.
Please follow this zoom link to connect.
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